Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Dean

Once, George Hunka briefly removed Matthew Freeman from his blogroll and the offline gossip circuit was buzzing! (Matt has since been restored.)


Aaron Riccio said...

There's a gossip circuit? Shit. What do people say about me behind my back. Shit. There are a lot of people currently sitting behind my back.

Freeman said...

That's because George once tried to really explain to me the nature of Art. I was watching a movie and didn't listen. He was a big baby about it.

parabasis said...

Ah yes... I think that was the moment I realized I cared waaaaay too much about blogging. When you told me that at a flesh-meet and I was like totally into finding out all about it...

Freeman said...

Flesh-meet? What is that, a type of porn?

CollisionWorks said...

Tell me about it. I seem to have vanished from the Dean's list, and a few others. Too many cat pictures, videos, and rock and roll stuff . . .



parabasis said...

It's the grossest (and most Philip K. Dick like) term I could think of for meeting someone in the real world.

PS: I can't decide if my profile photo looks cute or ridiculous.

Freeman said...

It looks totally cute.

Why don't we just discuss the Organum?

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, just saying hello and checking in whilst I hammer away on my paying gig . . .

I was never on the Dean's list, myself . . .

Adam Szymkowicz said...

I have no idea what the dean's list is...not the organum, honestly. Sorry Geroge. I'm just a little dim.

Adam Szymkowicz said...

*nor, not "not"

also George nor Gerogere