Sunday, June 3, 2007

Our Community

"I do find the theatre avant garde, at least as illustrated by the theatre bloggers, to be elitist, snobby, classist, and intolerant of anyone outside their clique. They demonstrate a lockstep that is creepy in the extreme." - Scott Walters, here


Leonard Jacobs said...

Oh my God. Theatre blogging is therefore innately Republican. Oh my God.

Freeman said...

Everyone's favorite instigator.

Leonard Jacobs said...

Oh, me? Oh I'm positively demure.

Mark said...

I think he was talking about Walters.

parabasis said...

Yeah, I think Freeman sums it up. I find it useful to engage Walters in discussion, but once it goes to the argumentative place, I know it's going to get ugly. Fast. I doubt if he even really meant that, or rather, if, asked in a calm moment a week from now if he meant it, if he'd say yes.

Ludlow Lad said...

Wow, I hate to agree, but I kind of do. Sorry to say but theater didn't used to be made my people with advanced degrees. A friend use to joke about Ivy League Actors being sort of oxymoronic...or maybe it was just was a while ago.

Leonard Jacobs said...

Does that mean I have to instigate harder? Oh, but I'm instigating as fast as I can...

parabasis said...

You do? Tell us more, Ludlow Lad!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys. Just thought I'd drop a note in even though I'm nowhere near NYC. ;)