Sunday, June 3, 2007

The thing is impossible

I'm rained upon. My girlfriend is sitting behind me, full of a happy cheeseburger from Dumont. I just did my show for the Pretentious Festival. I wish I was asleep. Instead, I am testing this "blog."

I am not at an undisclosed location. I am, in fact, present. Because it's THEATRE bitches.


Aaron Riccio said...

I'm going to use this a launchpad for my vindictive against "theatre." I once read that "theatre" was the name of the place where the event was taking place, but the show itself, be it environmental, happening, site-specific, &c., would be theater. Being that I can't remember exactly where I read that, I expect to be proven wrong. But until then, welcome to the theater, bitches. ;)

Freeman said...

We are IN a theater doing THEATRE. And it's in all CAPS. Because I was raised on instant messenger.

Moxie said...

Just had what may have been the best burger of my entire life at Dumont, last weekend at brunch. Jesus lordie they make a good one.

Adam Szymkowicz said...

freeman, coming to your show next week.